BioMedical Engineering

Bio-Medical Engineering

Importance & Historical Background.

Enormous attempts (not only attempts as we are aware of the achievements such as modern Medical Imaging techniques such as MRI, CT, PET scans, computerised pathological analysers are to name a few that almost everyone is known of) are being made by engineers by utilising their creative, problem solving & innovative expertise in order to solve many issues pertaining to equipment’s used in healthcare, medical and other allied fields. Such pursuits can be distinguished by a number of well known branches of science such as biomechanics, biomedical engineering, genetic engineering (to some extent) & clinical engineering. These branches are haphazardly used, whatsoever it’d not be exaggerate so say that this exciting achievements of Biomedical engineering is collaborative outcome of the world’s brilliant minds of devotees of these disciplines/branches. Today we use the term Biomedical Engineering as a whole but still those devotees of it’s subdivisions would like to go to differentiate between these. It may not be suitable to go into extensive details about any kind of differences amid these branches. Solutions of complex and diverse problems associated with our healthcare systems for better survival are being found primarily by the assistance of engineering. My primary focused this article is to group activities that are outcomes of these branches, so it’s not necessary to in-depth of those branches.

Biomedical engineering is a rapidly growing field that combines the principles of engineering with the knowledge of biology and medicine to improve human health. The field is diverse and encompasses a wide range of applications, from the development of medical devices and diagnostic tools to the creation of new therapies and treatments.

One of the key areas of biomedical engineering is the development of medical devices. Biomedical engineers work to design and create devices such as pacemakers, artificial joints, and diagnostic equipment. These devices must meet strict safety and effectiveness standards, and biomedical engineers must have a thorough understanding of both the engineering and medical aspects of their design.

Another important area of biomedical engineering is the development of new therapies and treatments. Biomedical engineers are involved in the design and testing of new drugs, as well as the development of gene therapy and tissue engineering. These therapies have the potential to revolutionize the way we treat diseases and injuries, and biomedical engineers are at the forefront of this research.

Biomedical engineering also plays a vital role in the field of imaging and diagnostic tools. Biomedical engineers develop and improve imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scans, which provide doctors with detailed images of the body’s internal structures. These images help doctors to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, from cancer to heart disease.

In addition to these traditional areas of biomedical engineering, the field is also expanding to include new technologies such as telemedicine and mobile health. These technologies allow patients to receive medical care remotely, which is especially beneficial for people living in rural or underserved areas.

Overall, biomedical engineering is a dynamic and rapidly growing field that is having a major impact on human health. Biomedical engineers are making significant contributions in the areas of medical devices, therapies and treatments, imaging, and telemedicine. With the advancements of technology, the opportunities and potential of biomedical engineering are only going to increase, making it a promising and exciting field for both students and professionals.

In conclusion, biomedical engineering is a field that combines the principles of engineering with the knowledge of biology and medicine to improve human health. It encompasses a wide range of applications, from the development of medical devices and diagnostic tools to the creation of new therapies and treatments. With advancements in technology, the field is expanding to include new technologies such as telemedicine and mobile health, providing exciting opportunities for professionals in the field.

The world of Biomedical engineering roots back in 18th century, but as the World War II ended, it grew tremendously.  Principles of Biomedical Engineering were also in practice in those times by physicians but they were nor engineers neither trained as one but they were unknowingly applying the engineering concepts of engineering in for the sake of living systems.

Luigi Galvani (1737-1798), who is considered to be the father of Bio-electromagnetics, which greatly helped us to clearly understand the nervous system of animals1 and humans. That later becomes the intense foundation in diagnosing as well as treating the diseases involving organs that are signal driven i.e. the brain and heart.

When Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille (J. L. Poiseuille)(1799-1869) being a student of medical sciences at École Polytechnique, he initially made an effort to measure blood pressure using the classic U-tube filled with Mercury.

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) who was a physician by profession but later became physicist and philosopher who made remarkable contribution to physics principles. Which later became foundation of even greater engineering principles and discoveries. He is responsible that today we study the mechanical foundations of thermodynamics, conservation of energy, theories on electrodynamics. His quite popular theory of death of universe by heat along with W. Rankine was hugely appreciated. However his invention of ophthalmoscope (device used to examine human eye) was revolutionary in the field of ophthalmology. One of the biggest contributions to Medical Science was his book Handbook of Physiological Optics or Treatise on Physiological Optics” originally published in German language. Now-a-days engineers are actively involved in the pure research based on those classic theories.

Now engineers are working on physical and chemical properties of bones, tissues etc. to have a better understanding of modern diseases and conditions thus contributing to developments of prosthetic organs ,artificial tissues, joint replacements like knee and hip, developments on scanners, analysers, pacemakers, computerised and intelligent assistance to people with physical (communications & mobility) disabilities. Dialysis machines. From rapidly lowering body temperature (by blood heat exchangers) to suture-less spinal endoscopy are one of the greatest examples of well-designed bio-medical engineering systems that are crucial necessity of the modern world and life style that we live in.

It is strongly believed among biomedical engineering community that their research seems to be directly pertaining to the benefit of human beings.

Bibilography for Further Reading:

  • Yamakoshi, K.-I., et aI., “Indirect measurement of instantaneous arterial blood pressure in the human finger by the vascular unloading technique,” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering BME-27:150 (1980).
  • Nalecz, M., “Some Problems in Modern Bio-cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,” Proc.2nd. Int. Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, Warsaw 14-17 Sept. 1976, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1977.