
Course Syllabus Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire [Foundation + Advanced] CADD Centre


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire [Foundation + Advanced]


Course Length: 10 Days (80 hours) – Theory – 40 hrs     Practical – 40 hrs 

Session 1

Introduction to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling Process

·      Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling Process

Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Concepts

·      Understanding Solid Modeling Concepts

·      Understanding Feature-Based Concepts

·      Understanding Parametric Concepts

·      Understanding Associative Concepts

·      Understanding Model-Centric Concepts

·      Recognizing File Extensions

Using the Pro/ENGINEER Interface

·      Understanding the Main Interface

·      Understanding the Folder Browser

·      Understanding the Web Browser

·      Understanding the Window Menu

·      Setting the Working Directory and Opening and Saving Files

·      Managing Files in Pro/ENGINEER

Creating Sketcher Geometry

·      Reviewing Sketcher Theory

·      Understanding Design Intent

·      Modifying the Sketcher Display

·      Utilizing Constraints

·      Sketching Lines

·      Sketching Centerlines

·      Sketching Rectangles

·      Sketching Circles

·      Sketching Arcs

·      Sketching Circular Fillets

Using Sketcher Tools

·      Understanding Construction Geometry Theory

·      Sketching Points

·      Using Geometry Tools within Sketcher

·      Manipulating Sketches within Sketcher

·      Dimensioning Entities within Sketcher

·      Modifying Dimensions within Sketcher

·      Sketcher Conflicts

·      Placing Sections into Sketcher

Creating Sketches for Features

·      Creating Sketches (‘Sketch’ Feature)

·      Specifying the Sketch Setup

·      Utilizing Sketch References

·      Using Entity from Edge within Sketcher

Session 1a

Advanced Sketching

·      Using Sketched Curves

·      Sketching Ellipses

·      Sketching Elliptical Fillets

·      Sketching Splines

·      Modifying Splines

·      Importing and Exporting Spline Points

·      Sketching Conics

·      Sketching Text

·      Analyzing Sketcher Convert Options

·      Analyzing Sketcher Dimension Options

·      Sketcher Diagnostic Tools

Creating Extrudes, Revolves, and Ribs

·      Creating Solid Extrude Features

·      Common Dashboard Options: Extrude Depth

·      Common Dashboard Options: Feature Direction

·      Common Dashboard Options: Thicken Sketch

·      Creating Solid Revolve Features

·      Common Dashboard Options: Revolve Angle

·      Creating Rib Features

Using the Pro/ENGINEER Interface – Part 2

·      Understanding Basic Display Options

·      Analyzing Basic 3-D Orientation

·      Understanding the View Manager

·      Creating and Managing View Orientations

·      Creating Style States using the View Manager

·      Understanding Basic Color and Appearance Options

·      Setting Up New Part Models

Session 2

Selecting and Editing

·      Understanding Pro/ENGINEER Basic Controls

·      Using Drag Handles

·      Using Keyboard Shortcuts

·      Understanding the Model Tree

·      Selecting Items using Direct Selection

·      Selecting Items using Query Selection

·      Using the Search Tool

·      Understanding Selection Filters

·      Renaming Objects

·      Editing Features and Regenerating

·      Activating and Editing Models

·      Deleting and Suppressing Items

Creating Datum Features: Planes and Axes

·      Creating Datum Features Theory

·      Creating Datum Axes

·      Creating Datum Planes

Utilizing Internal Sketches and Embedded Datums

·      Creating Internal Sketches

·      Creating Embedded Datum Features

Creating Sweeps and Blends

·      Creating Sweeps with Open Trajectories

·      Creating Sweeps with Closed Trajectories

·      Analyzing Sweep Feature Attributes

·      Creating a Parallel Blend Protrusion or Cut

·      Experimenting with Parallel Blend Attributes

·      Analyzing Parallel Blend Section Tools

Session 2a

Advanced Blends

·      Understanding Rotational and General Blend Theory

·      Creating a Rotational Blend Protrusion or Cut

·      Analyzing Rotational Blend Attributes

·      Creating a General Blend Protrusion or Cut

·      Analyzing General Blend Attributes

·      Selecting Sections for Rotational and General Blends

Advanced Selection

·      Advanced Chain Selection

·      Advanced Surface Selection

Creating Holes and Shells

·      Common Dashboard Options: Hole Depth

·      Creating Coaxial Holes

·      Creating Linear Holes

·      Creating Radial and Diameter Holes

·      Exploring Hole Profile Options

·      Creating Shell Features

Advanced hole Creation

·      Creating Standard Holes

·      Creating Sketched Holes

·      Creating On Point Holes

Advanced Shells

·      Analyzing Shell References and Thickness Options

·      Excluding Surfaces from Shells

·      Extending Shell Surfaces

Session 3

Creating Rounds and Chamfers

·      Creating Rounds by Selecting Edges

·      Creating Rounds by Selecting a Surface and Edge

·      Creating Rounds by Selecting Two Surfaces

·      Creating Full Rounds

·      Creating Round Sets

·      Creating Chamfers by Selecting Edges

·      Creating Chamfer Sets

Advanced Rounds and Chamfers

·      Analyzing Advanced Chamfer Dimensioning Schemes

·      Analyzing Chamfer Creation Methods

·      Analyzing Additional Chamfer Types

·      Creating Corner Chamfers

·      Analyzing Round Profile

·      Analyzing Round Creation Methods

·      Creating Rounds Through Curve

·      Creating Variable Radius Rounds

·      Auto Round

·      Creating Rounds and Chamfers by Reference

·      Analyzing References and Pieces

·      Using Intent Edges for Rounds and Chamfers

·      Using Chamfer Transitions

·      Using Round Transitions


·      Creating Draft Features

·      Creating Basic Split Drafts

·      Analyzing Draft Hinges and Pull Direction

·      Drafting Intent Surfaces

·      Creating Drafts with Multiple Angles

·      Using the Extend Intersect Surfaces Draft Option

·      Creating Drafts Split at Sketch

·      Creating Drafts Split at Curve

·      Create Drafts Split at Surface

Session 3a

Variable Section Sweeps

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps using a Constant Section

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps Normal to Trajectory

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps using Constant Normal Direction

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps Normal to Projection

·      Analyzing Horizontal and Vertical Control in a Variable Section Sweep

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps Utilizing Multiple Trajectories

·      Creating Variable Section Sweeps with Tangent Trajectories

·      Analyzing Variable Section Sweep Trajectory Options and Rules

·      Using Trajpar with Solid Features

·      Using Trajpar and Datum Graphs with Solid Features

Helical Sweeps

·      Understanding Helical Sweeps Theory

·      Creating Helical Sweeps for Springs

·      Creating Helical Sweeps for Threads

·      Analyzing Helical Sweep Profile and Pitch Variations

Session 4

Swept Blends

·      Understanding Swept Blend Theory

·      Creating Swept Blends by Selecting Sections

·      Creating Swept Blends by Sketching Sections

·      Analyzing Swept Blend Section Options

·      Analyzing Swept Blend Section Plane Control

·      Analyzing Horizontal and Vertical Control in a Swept Blend

·      Analyzing Swept Blend Tangency

·      Analyzing Swept Blend Options

·      Analyzing Swept Blend Rules

Advanced Datum Features

·      Creating Datum Graphs

·      Creating Datum Coordinate Systems

·      Creating Points On or Offset from Entities

·      Creating Points at Intersections

·      Creating Points using an Offset Coordinate System

·      Creating Sketched Points

·      Creating Curves Through a Point or Vertex

·      Creating a Curve Through a Point Array

·      Creating a Curve From File

·      Creating a Curve from a Cross-Section

·      Creating a Curve From Equation

·      Creating Composite Curves

·      Creating a Curve from Curve Intersections

·      Creating a Curve at Surface Intersection

·      Projecting and Wrapping Curves

·      Trimming Curves

·      Creating Offset Curves

Session 4a

Creating Patterns

·      Direction Patterning in the First Direction

·      Direction Patterning in the Second Direction

·      Axis Patterning in the First Direction

·      Axis Patterning in the Second Direction

·      Creating Reference Patterns of Features

·      Creating Reference Patterns of Components

·      Deleting Patterns or Pattern Members

Advanced Patterns

·      Creating Dimension Patterns in One Direction

·      Creating Dimension Patterns in Two Directions

·      Creating Rotational Dimension Patterns

·      Unpatterning Group Patterns

·      Understanding Pattern Regeneration Options

·      Creating Fill Patterns

·      Specifying Fill Pattern Settings

·      Creating Curve Patterns

·      Creating Pattern Tables

Group, Copy, and Mirror Tools

·      Creating Local Groups

·      Copying and Pasting Features

·      Moving and Rotating Copied Features

·      Mirroring Selected Features

·      Mirroring All Features

·      Creating Mirrored Parts

Measuring and Inspecting Models

·      Analyzing Model Units and Mass Properties

·      Measuring Models

·      Creating Planar Part Cross-Sections

·      Measuring Global Interference

Advanced Reference Management

·      Editing Feature References

·      Replacing Feature References

·      Replacing Sketcher References

·      Replacing Sketcher Geometry

Session 5

Relations and Parameters

·      Understanding Relation Theory

·      Understanding Relation Types

·      Understanding Basic Relation Operators and Functions

·      Understanding Advanced Relation Operators and Functions

·      Exact Relation

·      Creating Parameters

·      Understanding Advanced Parameter Options

·      Creating Relations

·      Creating Relations for Patterns

·      Creating Section Relations

Advanced Layers

·      Understanding Layers

·      Creating and Managing Layers

·      Creating Layer Rules

Family Tables

·      Understanding Family Table Theory

·      Creating a Family Table

·      Patternizing Family Table Instances

·      Creating a Multi-Level Family Table

·      Editing Family Table Members

Reusing Features

·      Creating UDFs

·      Placing UDFs

Session 5a

Assembling with Constraints

·      Understanding Assembly Theory

·      Creating New Assembly Models

·      Understanding Constraint Theory

·      Understanding Assembly Constraint Status

·      Assembling Components using the Default Constraint

·      Constraining Components using Insert

·      Constraining Components using Mate Coincident

·      Constraining Components using Align Coincident

·      Constraining Components using Align and Mate Offset

·      Constraining Components using Align and Mate Oriented

·      Constraining Components using Align and Mate Angle

·      Constraining Components using the Automatic Option

Exploding Assemblies

·      Creating and Managing Explode States

·      Creating Offset Lines between Exploded Components

Session 6

Surface Features

·      Creating Surface features

·      Editing Surface Features in Pro/ENGINEER

·      Copying the Surfaces

·      Mirroring the Surfaces

·      Trimming the Surface

·      Merging the Surfaces

·      Creating the Fill Surface

·      Creating the Intersecting Curves

·      Creating an Offset Surface

·      Giving Thickness to a Surface

·      Converting a Surface into a Solid

Session 6a

Investigating Parent/Child Relationships

·      Understanding Parent/Child Relationships

·      Viewing Part Parent/Child Information

·      Viewing Assembly Parent/Child Information

·      Viewing Model, Feature, and Component Information

Capturing and Managing Design Intent

·      Handling Children of Deleted and Suppressed Items

·      Reordering Features

·      Inserting Features

·      Redefining Features and Sketches

·      Capturing Design Intent in Sketches & Features

·      Capturing Design Intent in Parts & Assemblies

Session 7

Creating Drawing Views

·      Analyzing Drawing Concepts and Theory

·      Analyzing Basic 2-D Orientation

·      Creating New Drawings and Applying Formats

·      Creating and Orienting General Views

·      Adding Drawing Models and Sheets

·      Creating Projection Views

Creating Drawing Views

·      Creating Cross-Section Views

·      Creating Detailed Views

·      Creating Auxiliary Views

·      Creating New Drawings using Drawing Templates

·      Modifying Drawing Views

·      Creating Assembly and Exploded Views

Session 7a

Creating Drawing Details

·      Analyzing Detail Concepts and Types

·      Showing and Erasing Detail Items

·      Cleaning Up Dimensions

·      Manipulating Dimensions

·      Creating Driven Dimensions

Creating Drawing Details

·      Creating Notes

·      Showing a Bill of Materials

·      Analyzing Drawing Associativity

Session 8

Using Advanced assembly constraints

·      Constraining Components using Coordinate Systems

·      Constraining Components using Tangent

·      Constraining Components using Pnt On Line

·      Constraining Components using Pnt On Surf

·      Constraining Components using Edge On Surf

·      Constraining Components using Pnt On Pnt

·      Constraining Components using Fix

Creating and Using Component Interfaces

·      Understanding Component Interfaces

·      Using a Placing Component Interface

·      Using a Receiving Component Interface

·      Creating a Component Interface using Save as Interface

·      Auto Placing Components

·      Copying and Pasting Components

·      Repeating Component Placement

Creating and Using Flexible Components

·      Adding Flexibility to a Component

·      Placing Flexible Components in an Assembly

·      Adding Flexibility to Already Placed Components

·      Using Flexible Parameters

·      Using Measure to define a Flexible Dimension

·      Using Flexibility to Remove Interference

·      Restructuring an Assembly

·      Creating Mirrored Assemblies

·      Creating Mirrored Components

·      Creating Mirrored Subassemblies

Session 8a

Using Assembly Features and Shrinkwrap

·      Understanding Assembly Features

·      Creating an Assembly Cut

·      Creating Assembly Holes

·      Creating a Shrinkwrap Feature

·      Creating a Shrinkwrap Model

·      Summarizing Shrinkwrap Features and Models

Replacing Components in an Assembly

·      Understanding Component Replace

·      Replacing Components using Family Table

·      Replacing Components using Reference Model

·      Replacing Components using By Copy

·      Replacing Unrelated Components

·      Understanding Interchange Assemblies

·      Replacing using a Functional Interchange Assembly

Understanding the Basics of Simplified Reps

·      Understanding Simplified Rep Concepts

·      Customizing Simplified Reps

·      Excluding Components using Simplified Reps

·      Creating Geometry and Graphics Simplified Reps

·      Opening Simplified Reps

·      Creating Part Simplified Reps

·      Creating a Simplified Rep using Shrinkwrap

Session 9

Creating Cross-Sections, Display Styles, and Combined Views

·      Understanding Assembly Cross-Sections

·      Creating Planar Assembly Cross-Sections

·      Creating Offset Assembly Cross-Sections

·      Creating Zone Assembly Cross-Sections

·      Creating Display Styles

·      Creating Combination Views

Substituting Components By Rep, Envelope, and Model

·      Understanding Envelopes

·      Creating and Using a Surface Subset Shrinkwrap Envelope

·      Creating and Using a Faceted Shrinkwrap Envelope

·      Creating and Using a Create Features Envelope

·      Creating and Using an Envelope Copied from an Existing Part

·      Substituting Components Using By Rep

·      Substituting Components Using By Model

Understanding Advanced Simplified Rep Functionality

·      Searching for Components for Simplified Reps

·      Creating Simplified Reps by Size

·      Creating Simplified Reps using Zones

·      Creating Simplified Reps by Distance

·      Creating Simplified Reps using Exterior Components

·      Defining Simplified Reps using Rules

·      Using On-Demand Simplified Reps

·      Creating External Simplified Reps

Session 9a

Creatingand Using Assembly Structure and Skeletons

·      Understanding Skeletons

·      Creating Assembly Structure

·      Creating Skeletons for Space Claims

·      Creating Skeletons for Placement References

·      Copying a Model to a Skeleton

·      Sharing Skeleton Geometry

·      Creating and Placing Models using Skeleton References

·      Creatinga Motion Skeleton

·      Creating Bodies for a Motion Skeleton

·      Assigning Connections for a Motion Skeleton

·      Creating Solid Models from a Motion Skeleton

Session 10


·      The sheetmetal design environment

·      Sheetmetal parts

·      Design approach


·      Wall Types

·      Creating the first wall


·      Types of seconday walls

·      Creating unattached walls

·      Secondary walls with relief


·      The unbend regular feature

·      The bend back feature

·      Creating sheetmetal cuts


·      Creating a punch or notch UDF

·      Placing a punch or notch feature


·      Creating form features

·      Creating form parts

·      Placing form features

·      Returning the model to the flat state


·      Bend features

·      Bend lines

Session 10a


·      Unbending geometry after defiing the model

·      Deformation areas


·      Creating sheetmetal parts from solid parts

·      Creating a developable part


·      Flat status

·      Creating multimodel drawings

·      Documenting the bend order


·      Flat pattern

·      Solid features

·      Using projected datum curves


·      Calculating the developed length

·      Setting up a default radius

·      Setting default fixed geometry


·      Sheetmetal information

·      Design rules

Real Time Rendering

 Interview Questions here.

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